chattr Command

How to use the chattr command ?

                   This is an admin command. Only the Root user can change the file attributes/Process. chattr command is used to change the file attributes.


chattr [options] filename

 +i  -  Make the file as Read-Only.
  -i  -  Remove the Read-Only.
+a  -  Can't open file for writing
 -a  -  Open file for writing.
+S  -  The changes in the file are written synchronously on the disk.


chattr +i file.txt

chattr -i file.txt

/etc/hosts entry

The entries in the /etc/hosts file 

You can use below mentioned steps to make changes in the file.

  1. If you are using a Windows machine

    Add entry in this file : %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\ (where %SystemRoot% is C:\Windows in a Normal case, change it accordingly)
  2. If you are using a Linux machine, Add entry here in this file : /etc/hosts
  3. If you are using a Mac, Add entry here in this file : /private/etc/hosts
The entry is:

Example :

cPanel Log Files

The list of Log files

This will help you for trouble shooting the problems

Access log & cpsrvd user activity   /usr/local/cpanel/logs/access_log

Account transfers & related activity   /var/cpanel/logs

Account activity audit log                   /var/cpanel/accounting.log

Account bandwidth history                   /var/cpanel/bandwidth
Brute force protection (cphulkd)           /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cphulkd.log

Backup Logs                                   /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup

Maldet scan

How to run a  Maldet scan in the server

maldet -a -b ~user
tail /usr/local/maldetect/event_log

How to Fix the hits

cd /usr/local/maldetect
rm -rf sigs/ && mkdir sigs/ && maldet -u

Permissions for webhosting accounts

public_html - 750
Folders - 755
CGI and Perl scripts - 755
.html .php and other Document Types - 644

Top command

top command displays the top cpu processes in the server

N-sort tasks by pid (numerically).
A-sort tasks by age (newest first).
P-sort tasks by CPU usage (default).
M-sort tasks by resident memory usage.
T-sort tasks by time / cumulative time.
1-display CPUs seperatly

Command to check DDoS attacks

How to check is there any DDoS attacks to your server?

use the command

netstat -plan|grep :80 |awk '{print $5}' |cut -d: -f1 |sort |uniq -c |sort -n

This will check number of  ip connections to the server.

Create a PHP info page

How to Create a PHP info page ?

Create phpinfo.php file under the document root

#vi phpinfo.php


You can test it by checking the url