Exim Getting restarted automatically


imap failed @ Mon May 18 10:43:25 2009. A restart was attempted automagically.
Service Check Method: [tcp connect]

Failure Reason: TCP Transaction Log:
> A001 LOGIN
>> __cpanel__service__auth__imap__98iAtd2AmGfa333Whn3ZFBBpX1wI8RSyJpsiPp
>> vfbjKFhkb_bHqULKRGsLqrto0_
>> 8nwcb9SZnQRfvdNcfx6lsZlqWJo8EFlJzu1CBPrwxCE1HY4jNQznoFm7IbgjFPRR

Steps to FIX the issue

    /scripts/courierup –force

service courier-imap restart
service courier-authlib restart

Another FIX says
 1020  cd /var/cpanel/serviceauth/
 1021  ls
 1022  rm -rf exim
 1023  /etc/rc.d/init.d/cpanel restart
 1024  /etc/rc.d/init.d/exim restart

Disable error reporting using .htaccess

Just write below mentioned lines in .htaccess file

php_flag display_startup_errors off
php_flag display_errors off

cPanel Licence Verification

How to check cPanel Licence Verification

To verify the licence of the cPanel open this link http://verify.cpanel.net/. Enter the main public IP address for a server to check if it has a valid cPanel product license.
If the licence is valid then login as root to the server and run the following to refresh the license.
# /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt
If this command errors or you do not see the server contacting cPanel license servers to verify your license, please check that your server is able to contact servers via port 80 (so, check your firewall's OUTPUT options) and that you have a proper hostname set on your server. cPanel makes the connection to one of the cPanel licensing servers through port 2089. So we should make sure that this port is open.

Telnetting to cPanel License Server
root@server [~]# telnet auth.cpanel.net 2089
Connected to auth.cpanel.net (
Escape character is ‘^]’.
200 cPanel License Service Version 12.0
root@server [~]#
Some times on running the cpkeyclt command, you will encounter the error given below

Enable Hotlink Protection

Enable Hotlink Protection

Hot link protection is security measure inorder to prevents other websites from directly linking to files and pictures on your website. Other sites will only be able to link to file types that you don't specify.

Hotlink Protection – Preventing Bandwidth Theft
Bandwidth theft or hotlinking is direct linking to a web site's files such as images,vedios etc, this will result to high bandwidth consumption. For example some would be using an <img> tag to display a JPEG image on his website which is used in your own site. 

Lets check how to enable Hotlink Protection.

Enable Hotlink protection for an account.

Through cPanel
1.Login to Cpanel.
2.Select Hotlink Protection under the Security tab.

You will be redirected to the following page.

3.Click on Enable button. Then the hotlink protection will be enabled for that particular domain.
4.Now in the URLs to allow access: box Enter the URL to any domain you wish to allow hotlinking.
5.Provide the extensions in the Block direct access for these extension box.
6.In the Redirect request to this URL: you can enter a URL that anyone trying to hotlink will see in the place of image, etc.
7.Click on Submit button.

ACL ( Access Control Lists )

The Access Control List helps to assign permissions for files and directories for a particular user or group. For example, different permissions cannot be configured for different users and groups normally. Thus, Access Control Lists (ACLs) are used in those cases.
Note :-
The acl package is required to implement ACLs. It contains the utilities used to add, modify and remove ACL information.
Syntax :-
To Set acl for a file:-
# setfacl -m rules file
Eg : # setfacl -m u:user1:rw /root

Eg : # setfacl -m g:group1:rwx /root
To check the acl permissions of a file:-
# getfacl file
Removing an ACL :-
# setfacl -x rules file
# setfacl -x u:user1 /root


Lets look WHMCS in detail


WHMCS is an all-in-one client management, billing & support solution for online businesses. Handling everything from signup to termination. It is not limited to just web hosting, any business with a need for online billing, particularly of a recurring nature, for example services or memberships, then WHMCS can be a perfect solution.
WHMCS can be used as a standalone client area portal, or integrated into your website, and provides you with a members area to allow clients to signup and manage their account & services with you, make payments, and request support.
WHMCS integrates with payment gateways, server provisioning APIs, domain registrars & fraud protection services to be able to fully automate the ordering and provisioning process.


Billing is made easy in WHMCS. You can send your clients high quality professional looking invoices with PDF file attached that has new invoice notifications and payment reminder notices. So the clients need not have to login to their client area to view the invoices. Also the invoices are customisable.
  1. Automated Invoicing will take care of billing your customers on a recurring basis.
  2. PDF Invoices can be downloaded for saving or printing.
  3. Automated Payment Processing is offered with all the supported gateways and you can extend it to others by building your own payment processing module.

What is EPP code

EPP Code

Domain authorization code also known as EPP Code provides an extra level of security for the domain name registration. Unique for each domain name and is assigned by the registrar at the time the domain  name is registered. it is needed when you would like to transfer domain from one registrar to another.

What is Domain Name Registrar

Domain Name Registrar

Service that allows you to officially register your desired website domain name so that it is unique to you and no one else can own it.

ICANN(Internet Corporation for Assigned Name & Numbers)

ICANN is a private non-gov,non-profit corporation that has been given the responsibility of allocating IP addresses and managing the Domain Name System.
Domain Name System is nothing but typing a website by its name rather than its numerical IP.


How to perform traceroute in different os

In Windows,
Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
c:\> tracert <domain.com>

get into a terminal and execute the command as given below
$traceroute <domain.com>

These steps were created using Mac OS X. For earlier operating systems, you will need to download and use a third party program.
1. From your hard-drive, open the Applications folder, and click to open the Utilities folder.
2. Double-click Terminal.
3.Type traceroute followed by your domain name, and hit Enter.

How to check OS versions

For Redhat OS
Like centos ,fedora , debain etc.
#cat /etc/redhat-release
CloudLinux Server release 6.4

For Ubuntu OS
#cat /etc/lsb-release